We specialise in the following Cayman and BVI legal matters:

Entity Establishment

BVI/Cayman entity establishment – including companies, partnerships, LLCs and Trusts 


Venture Capital/Private Equity


Unregulated & Regulated Investment Funds and Managers

Private Clients

Trusts; Family Office


Advising general corporate matters – including due diligence, directors’ duties and shareholders’ rights


 Capital Markets – Notes/Bonds/Warrants, IPOs

Outbound/Inbound Structuring

Structuring of Outbound & Inbound Investments – in particular, investments in Asia, US, Middle East and Europe


Everton Robertson is a corporate, private equity, finance and investment funds lawyer who has acted for major financial institutions, corporations, international investors, SOEs, founders, asset managers and UHNWs including in the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Korea and Japan.  His focus includes general corporate, venture capital and pre-IPO financing, mergers and acquisitions, IPOs in Hong Kong and the United States and the establishment of open and close ended investment funds. 


Everton has been a Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands lawyer for over 24 years’ and a Solicitor of England and Wales since 1992. His experience is as follows: Linklaters (London), White & Case (London), Shearman & Sterling (London), Maples Group (Hong Kong/Cayman Islands) - Partner, Walkers (Hong Kong) – Partner and Travers Thorp Alberga (Hong Kong) - Partner 


Chambers Asia-Pacific, Asian Legal Business and IFLR1000 - Highly Regarded, Asia Business Law Journal’s A-List Top 50 Offshore Lawyers, Asian Legal Business “Hot 100″ list of pre-eminent Asia-Pacific lawyers, China Business Law Journal's A-List and one of "China’s Elite 100 lawyers (Foreign firm)". 


University College London (UCL), LLB

Practice Areas 

Everton’s focus is to advise on the complete cycle of a transaction: fund formation, downstream investments and exits including by way of M&A and IPO. 

Fund formation: private equity partnerships, corporate funds, segregated portfolio companies (both open and close ended) and Unit Trusts

Investments: Preferred Shares investment transactions (including financing through a warrant or convertible bond issuance), ranging from Angel investment to pre-IPO deals)

M&A: trade sales and mergers including De-SPACs 

IPOs: HK, US and the PRC 

Finance: bond and note issuances, margin finance loans and fund financing often involving the taking of security over shares in the holding offshore company 

Private client: private and ESOP trusts including asset class of pre-IPO and IPO shares

Headline Deals 

IPOs including: Adlai Nortye Ltd, Tuhu Car Inc., Zhong An Intelligent Service Limited – HKIPO, Xiaomi Corporation, Kuaishou Technology, Beisen Holding Limited, YH Entertainment Group, GOGOX Holdings Limited, Dingdong (Cayman) Limited, Waterdrop Inc., Ninebot Limited (STAR Market), TUHU Car Inc., and QuantumPharm Inc. 

SPAC - Eve Mobility Acquisition Corp and De-SPAC - Auto Services Group Limited 

Advising on formation of over 100 private equity and hedge funds 

Advising on over 500 Series financings


  • The effect of recent regulatory changes in China and the US on HK and US listings of Cayman companies 

  • First Chinese company to successfully launch USIPO by obtaining CSRC approval

  • An offshore perspective on impact of new US-PRC laws on China VC 

  • The sustainability of green financing 

  • Expanding OBOR using BVI and Cayman Islands investment structures – 

  • Advising on CK Hutchinson’s US$2B guaranteed notes issue 

  • Advising on Xiaomi’s US$4B Top-up funding placement 

  • Foreign companies Segway to listing in China